Register for School Membership
To register your school for WACS membership, complete the steps below and start enjoying the many benefits awaiting your school leaders, educators, and students as a member school.
WACS School Membership
Wisconsin Association of Christian Schools (WACS) was established in 1977 to advance Christian education in Wisconsin, focusing on enhancing moral, spiritual, and academic standards.
WACS is the Wisconsin chapter of the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS). AACS has over 900 affiliated schools with more than 170,000 students in most states and several foreign countries. When a school joins WACS, it automatically becomes a member of the AACS.
More than 900 affiliated schools in AACS
More than 170,000 students in AACS schools
Process for Your School Registration
If your school wants to be a member of WACS, you need to complete the following actions:
Complete and sign the WACS Membership Registration Form affirming your agreement with the WACS purpose, doctrinal statement, and philosophy of education as presented in the WACS Constitution, the WACS Statement of Faith, and the AACS Statement of Faith. Schools must also complete the WACS Contacts Information Form and AACS Membership Form.
This WACS Membership Registration Form is submitted annually to the WACS Board of Directors along with the membership fees. Registrations are due in the WACS office by October 1. Registrations not submitted by October 1 will incur a late fee.
All three forms below must be submitted online or via email (AACS Membership Form). Please contact the WACS office if you need assistance.
WACS Membership Registration Form
WACS Contacts Information Form
AACS Membership Form
How can we help?
Have a question or want to learn more? Contact our team. We welcome the opportunity to help.